Completely free online classes? now offering courses from 16 top...
It would cost you a minimum of $37,000 to enroll for a year at one of the top 10 schools in the United States, according to the U.S. News & World Report. However, anyone with a computer will now...
View Article12 great free online courses
Much ado has been made in recent years over the quickly rising cost of healthcare in the United States. But the cost of college tuition and fees has skyrocketed at nearly twice that rate. Going to...
View ArticleIn Short: Should education be monetizable? Plus, teaching a computer slang
Enjoy a sampling of the stories from around the internet that captured our interest this week: This look at the dramatic rise of MOOCs and other online college offerings points out a basic conundrum:...
View ArticleFun, interesting science? 11 amazing online sources
In today’s TED Talk, Tyler DeWitt makes a fantastic case for a simple idea: make science fun. Educators and writers get caught up in the idea that science needs to be taken seriously, and forget that...
View ArticleSalman Khan’s TED Talk ignited the conversation about online education. Why...
When Salman Khan shared his vision for “a free world-class education for anyone anywhere” at TED2011, he turned the education world on its head. As he introduced Khan Academy — a virtual classroom that...
View ArticleWhat’s next for MOOCs?
“Questions Worth Asking” is a new editorial series from TED in which we’ll pose thorny questions to those with a thoughtful, relevant (or irrelevant but still interesting) take. This week: “What’s...
View ArticleWe need to change everything on campus: Anant Agarwal of edX on MOOCs, MIT...
Anant Agarwal of edX reveals his vision for the future of education at TEDGlobal 2013. Photo: James Duncan Davidson Whenever something is declared the subject of “the year of,” you know said subject is...
View ArticleTwo giants of online learning discuss the future of education
Scratch the surface of online education, and you’re destined to run into the names of two men. The first, Salman Khan, never intended to be an education icon. Instead, he simply watched with increased...
View ArticleMOOCs by the numbers: Where are we now?
Whatever your opinion of them, you can’t deny that MOOCs have come a long way in the last few years. To help put the massive online courses into some perspective, Alex Cusack, a contributing writer at...
View ArticleWhy 259,969 people taking the same class at the same time might just be the...
“I sometimes look back at the TED Talk and I try to think of where we were at the time. We had four university partners, about a half a million students, 37 courses. Now we have more than six million...
View ArticleThe attack on our higher education system — and why we should welcome it
By George Siemens In the past few years, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have become a lens used by educators, entrepreneurs, education reformers and venture capitalists to view the higher...
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